I don’t mean you should just be doing idle things to pass the time. You should be doing things that are meaningful to you.
Read MoreWhen you find yourself dwelling on certain things and ignoring everything else, give yourself a reality check and remind yourself to take in the whole person.
Read MoreIf you don’t really know them, all your fantasies will be based on what you imagine would be wonderful to experience.
Read MoreIf this person has had any sort of presence in your life, even if only in your mind, they’ve been serving you in some way.
Read MoreAn INFJ may have left a relationship for reasons that had little or nothing to do with the other person. Sometimes they were just dealing with their own issues.
Read MoreThese commonalities may already lead INFJs and INFPs to have something to bond over when they meet, but their understanding goes even deeper than that.
Read MoreIf you find yourself having to get over a crush at work, I hope these five tips help.
Read MoreSimply telling your INFJ from time to time that it’s ok if they share their feelings with you will do wonders for your relationship.
Read MoreIf you like someone who seems to like you but turns down your offer to become more than friends, it’s possible that they do want to become more, but their head is convincing them it’s not a good idea.
Read MoreINFJs are known to be perfectionists. And this desire to have everything be perfect extends to their relationships as well.
Read MoreIf you pay too much attention to these racing thoughts, they might convince you not to confess to someone who is actually worthy of your love and affection.
Read MoreYou probably don’t need to remind yourself of what you love about your crush. But you might find it helpful to remind yourself what you love about you.
Read MoreWhile it might not be possible for INTJs to become well-versed in the language of feelings overnight, having a long-term partner could help them become more comfortable with their feelings over time.
Read MoreINFJs long to share their thoughts with others. They just tend to find that many people aren’t willing to go deep, or else they don’t really care what the INFJ has to say.
Read MoreIf this is someone you like and that you feel is worthy of your time and affection, don’t be afraid to give them a chance.
Read MoreSending a first text will convey the message that you like this INFJ and are interested in keeping in touch with them.
Read MoreWhile you can’t actually create or design your dream partner, you can have a clearer picture in your mind of what you would like them to be like.
Read MoreBased on my experiences as an INFJ and those of other INFJs, I’ve noticed that the deepest connection happens when it happens in the mind, heart, and soul.
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