Posts tagged without judgment
How Can You Encourage an INFJ to Speak Up When Something Is Bothering Them?

Simply telling your INFJ from time to time that it’s ok if they share their feelings with you will do wonders for your relationship.

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If You're an ENTJ With a Crush on an INFJ or INFP, Keep These 5 Things in Mind

Constructive criticism can help all of us grow. But for ENTJs who can often give blunt criticism, it’s not likely to be well-received by an INFJ or INFP even if it is honest or constructive.

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6 INFJ First Date Tips

To encourage the likelihood of future dates, make sure your first date allows your INFJ the opportunity to get to know you on a deep level.

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This Is One of the Best Ways to Make an INFJ Feel Better

We need to be able to talk to someone without the fear of judgment. And we need this person to be willing to listen to every word we say.

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