About the Site

Photo by Aliis Sinisalu on Unsplash

I believe that some people need a little more help than others in all arenas of life. The advice on this site is geared toward helping those who need a little extra help with matters of the heart and personal development.

I consider myself an INFJ, or someone of the INFJ personality type according to the Myers-Briggs system. Since this is considered to be a rare type, I know I may have some unique struggles when it comes to things like finding a romantic partner and self-improvement.

But while the information I share comes from what I’ve learned or experienced on my own journey, my aim is to share information that will be helpful to all. And I do truly hope it helps.

I encourage you to read and ponder what you find here over a cup of tisane or tea or whatever warm drink you prefer. And please share anything you find helpful!

~ Ashley C.

P.S. If you’re an INFJ or someone who loves deeply and you would like tips and advice about crushes, unrequited love, and the search for a romantic partner, feel free to join “The INFJ Search for Love” newsletter!


About the Author

Ashley Cantave is the creator and author of Questions and Tisane. In 2011, she graduated from the University of Maryland summa cum laude with a double major in Linguistics and Spanish.

She spent the next several years working on creative projects, one of which was this site, which she began in 2020.

Ashley considers herself a tea-loving writer with the soul of a musician. She enjoys many forms of writing, including songs, stories, and screenplays. She speaks Spanish and French.