Posts tagged ask
How Can Introverts Develop Deeper Friendships?

If you find that your friendship isn’t going as deep as you would like, it might be up to you to try to go deeper.

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4 Well-Meaning Tips That Haven’t Helped Me Make Friends as an Introvert—And What Has Worked

Many people are fine keeping relationships and conversations on a superficial level. But that’s not something that works for me.

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6 INFJ First Date Tips

To encourage the likelihood of future dates, make sure your first date allows your INFJ the opportunity to get to know you on a deep level.

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5 Common INFJ Misunderstandings

INFJs long to share their thoughts with others. They just tend to find that many people aren’t willing to go deep, or else they don’t really care what the INFJ has to say.

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When Should You Ask an Online Crush If They’re Single?

When not using a dating app, a lot of questions about the “right time” to bring things up might arise.

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What Should You Keep in Mind When Texting an INFJ?

If you would like some guidance on how to approach a texting relationship with an INFJ, here are seven things you should keep in mind.

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10 Questions Single People Should Ask Themselves to Help Them Find Their Dream Partner

While you can’t actually create or design your dream partner, you can have a clearer picture in your mind of what you would like them to be like.

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Why Confessing Feelings Hypothetically Is One of the Best Ways to Confess

This type of confession is best suited for when you either aren’t sure how strongly you feel for the person you like or you’re very unsure how they feel.

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