Posts tagged rejection
How Should an INFP Respond to a Love Confession?

When someone tells an INFP that they like them, the INFP may have trouble responding honestly because they’re so excited at the prospect of experiencing a real relationship.

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How Do You Get Over the Fear of Confessing Your Love to Someone?

Sometimes, when you’re afraid of something, it helps to identify exactly what it is you’re afraid of, rather than having this vague sense of “fear.”

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What Should You Do When Someone Acts Normal After You Confess Your Feelings to Them?

I know what you really want to do is to ask them about the confession and their lack of a response to it. And I think you should do that, but not right away. First, give this person time to process your confession.

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How Can an INTP Confess Their Love to Someone?

The thing about love is, even though it’s best expressed in actions, words are helpful to avoid vagueness.

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When Should You Ask an Online Crush If They’re Single?

When not using a dating app, a lot of questions about the “right time” to bring things up might arise.

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What Should You Keep in Mind When Texting an INFJ?

If you would like some guidance on how to approach a texting relationship with an INFJ, here are seven things you should keep in mind.

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Should You Text an INFJ First?

Sending a first text will convey the message that you like this INFJ and are interested in keeping in touch with them.

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5 Behaviors That Might Unknowingly Repel an INFJ

While some of the following behaviors may be fine for someone an INFJ already knows well and trusts, people who are new in an INFJ’s life might want to avoid them.

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Why Would Someone Fail to Respond to a Love Confession?

It’s impossible for someone to truthfully respond to a love confession if they don’t know how they feel.

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Why Confessing Feelings Hypothetically Is One of the Best Ways to Confess

This type of confession is best suited for when you either aren’t sure how strongly you feel for the person you like or you’re very unsure how they feel.

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Why Would Someone Fail to Respond to a Texted Love Confession?

Some people are so popular that they’re constantly texting many people at once. It’s possible your confession just got lost in the shuffle.

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What Do You Do When Your Crush Is Your Best Friend?

You do everything with your best friend. And this is the one person you can talk to about anything. Books. Movies. Stresses. Joys. And…crushes?

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Why Would an INFJ Reject Someone?

An INFJ won’t usually reject someone because they felt like it one day or because they just changed their mind about them. They’ll usually have a reason for doing this.

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What Do You Do When You Regret Confessing Your Love for Someone?

One thing you can ask yourself at a time like this is, what would have happened if you hadn’t confessed?

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5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Making a Love Confession

Do you like this person as more than a friend, are you in love with them, or do you just enjoy their company and wonder if you could become more than friends?

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Why Is It So Hard to Make a Love Confession?

When the time comes for you to confess your love for someone, you have to stop running and confront your feelings.

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