Posts tagged reality
How Do You Stop Being in Love With the Idea of Someone?

When you find yourself dwelling on certain things and ignoring everything else, give yourself a reality check and remind yourself to take in the whole person.

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How Do You Know When You're in Love With the Idea of Someone?

If you don’t really know them, all your fantasies will be based on what you imagine would be wonderful to experience.

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6 Things an INFJ in Love Might Want You to Know

If an INFJ does happen to be in love with you and you’re someone who’s looking for something more casual, you might want to think very carefully before entering a relationship with them.

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What Should You Do When You Miss the Person Who Ghosted You?

This may be considered “ghosting” by some definitions, but it could just be that they’re dealing with something and aren’t in a position to respond.

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Does Confessing Help You Move On from a Crush?

Though it may seem terrifying to put your heart out there and tell your crush you like them, that’s one of the best ways to encourage them to share their own feelings.

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Why Confessing Feelings Hypothetically Is One of the Best Ways to Confess

This type of confession is best suited for when you either aren’t sure how strongly you feel for the person you like or you’re very unsure how they feel.

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What Do You Do When You Regret Confessing Your Love for Someone?

One thing you can ask yourself at a time like this is, what would have happened if you hadn’t confessed?

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