Posts tagged values
How Do You Know When You're in Love With the Idea of Someone?

If you don’t really know them, all your fantasies will be based on what you imagine would be wonderful to experience.

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The Beauty of an INFJ-INFP Friendship

These commonalities may already lead INFJs and INFPs to have something to bond over when they meet, but their understanding goes even deeper than that.

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What Can You Say Instead of Ghosting a Friend?

If the reason you feel like disappearing is because you’re overwhelmed with a situation you’re dealing with, you will definitely want to tell your friend that instead of just stopping all communication.

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10 Questions Single People Should Ask Themselves to Help Them Find Their Dream Partner

While you can’t actually create or design your dream partner, you can have a clearer picture in your mind of what you would like them to be like.

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What Makes an INFJ Fall in Love?

Based on my experiences as an INFJ and those of other INFJs, I’ve noticed that the deepest connection happens when it happens in the mind, heart, and soul.

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10 INFJ Deal-Breakers in Relationships

If an INFJ senses that you’re not being authentic—that you’re purposefully putting on a mask or acting phony—this will be a cue to us to walk away.

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Why Would an INFJ Reject Someone?

An INFJ won’t usually reject someone because they felt like it one day or because they just changed their mind about them. They’ll usually have a reason for doing this.

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8 Possible Reasons the INFJ in Your Life Stopped Texting You

Even with a busy schedule, we INFJs will take the time to respond to texts from those we care about. But we also have a tendency to get caught up in things, like causes we deeply support.

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