Posts tagged aware
How Do You Stop Being in Love With the Idea of Someone?

When you find yourself dwelling on certain things and ignoring everything else, give yourself a reality check and remind yourself to take in the whole person.

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How Do You Know When You're in Love With the Idea of Someone?

If you don’t really know them, all your fantasies will be based on what you imagine would be wonderful to experience.

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How to Stop a Crush from Being Your Only Source of Happiness

You probably don’t need to remind yourself of what you love about your crush. But you might find it helpful to remind yourself what you love about you.

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How Can an INTP Confess Their Love to Someone?

The thing about love is, even though it’s best expressed in actions, words are helpful to avoid vagueness.

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Are INFJs Hard to Love?

In this post, we’re going to look at four behaviors INFJs should be mindful of if they want to have healthy romantic relationships.

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