Posts tagged confessing
How to Get Over an Unrequited Crush That Has Lasted for Years

If this person has had any sort of presence in your life, even if only in your mind, they’ve been serving you in some way.

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How Do You Get Over the Fear of Confessing Your Love to Someone?

Sometimes, when you’re afraid of something, it helps to identify exactly what it is you’re afraid of, rather than having this vague sense of “fear.”

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5 Things INFJs and INFPs Should Keep in Mind Before Making a Love Confession

If you pay too much attention to these racing thoughts, they might convince you not to confess to someone who is actually worthy of your love and affection.

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How to Stop a Crush from Being Your Only Source of Happiness

You probably don’t need to remind yourself of what you love about your crush. But you might find it helpful to remind yourself what you love about you.

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How Can an INTP Confess Their Love to Someone?

The thing about love is, even though it’s best expressed in actions, words are helpful to avoid vagueness.

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How Do You Respond to a Texted Love Confession?

Do not neglect or forget to respond to someone who tells you they like you in a text (or by any other means).

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What Do You Do When Things Are Awkward After Confessing Your Feelings?

You two may be able to get to a good place again, but right now distance is what you really need.

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Does Confessing Help You Move On from a Crush?

Though it may seem terrifying to put your heart out there and tell your crush you like them, that’s one of the best ways to encourage them to share their own feelings.

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How Can Unrequited Love Help People Find Their Dream Partner?

In this post, we’re going to go deeper into how all your unrequited crushes can help lead you to the one meant for you.

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How Do You Write a Love Letter to Your Crush?

If you’re going to spend your valuable time pouring your heart and soul into a love letter (or email), please make sure you’re writing to someone who you know will take the time to read it.

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Why Confessing Feelings Hypothetically Is One of the Best Ways to Confess

This type of confession is best suited for when you either aren’t sure how strongly you feel for the person you like or you’re very unsure how they feel.

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Why Would Someone Fail to Respond to a Texted Love Confession?

Some people are so popular that they’re constantly texting many people at once. It’s possible your confession just got lost in the shuffle.

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How Long Should You Wait to Confess Your Feelings for Someone?

So, when should you confess versus asking your crush out first? I think it comes down to how well you know them.

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Should You Confess Your Feelings to an Online Crush?

Even if you two have a connection and you have real feelings for them, you won’t know if it’s really them you have feelings for or just the online persona they’ve created until you meet in person.

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Why Do Some INFJs Prefer to Stay Friends Over Starting a Romantic Relationship?

If an INFJ prefers to just chill, relax, or hang out with someone, it’s much easier to do that as friends.

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What Do You Do When Your Crush Is Your Best Friend?

You do everything with your best friend. And this is the one person you can talk to about anything. Books. Movies. Stresses. Joys. And…crushes?

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