Posts tagged reasons
Why Would Someone Seem to Like You But Reject Your Offer for Romance?

If you like someone who seems to like you but turns down your offer to become more than friends, it’s possible that they do want to become more, but their head is convincing them it’s not a good idea.

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When Should You Ask an Online Crush If They’re Single?

When not using a dating app, a lot of questions about the “right time” to bring things up might arise.

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What Should You Keep in Mind When Texting an INFJ?

If you would like some guidance on how to approach a texting relationship with an INFJ, here are seven things you should keep in mind.

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Why Would Someone Fail to Respond to a Love Confession?

It’s impossible for someone to truthfully respond to a love confession if they don’t know how they feel.

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Why Confessing Feelings Hypothetically Is One of the Best Ways to Confess

This type of confession is best suited for when you either aren’t sure how strongly you feel for the person you like or you’re very unsure how they feel.

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Why Would Someone Fail to Respond to a Texted Love Confession?

Some people are so popular that they’re constantly texting many people at once. It’s possible your confession just got lost in the shuffle.

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Why Do INFJs Struggle to Flirt?

Flirting is one of those behaviors that makes us feel inauthentic because it makes it seem like just being ourselves isn’t enough.

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Why Would an INFJ Reject Someone?

An INFJ won’t usually reject someone because they felt like it one day or because they just changed their mind about them. They’ll usually have a reason for doing this.

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What Do You Do When You Regret Confessing Your Love for Someone?

One thing you can ask yourself at a time like this is, what would have happened if you hadn’t confessed?

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8 Possible Reasons the INFJ in Your Life Stopped Texting You

Even with a busy schedule, we INFJs will take the time to respond to texts from those we care about. But we also have a tendency to get caught up in things, like causes we deeply support.

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