I don’t mean you should just be doing idle things to pass the time. You should be doing things that are meaningful to you.
Read MoreSometimes I think it would be nice to be able to have a crush and then move on as if I never had any feelings for that person.
Read MoreUntil an INFJ applies logic to the situation, they still won’t see these things as enough reason to move on.
Read MoreIf you’re an INFJ or someone who loves deeply, these prompts will encourage you to ask yourself what this crush means to you and what your feelings for them say about how you feel about yourself.
Read MoreIf you never confessed your feelings to this person, make sure you do that now.
Read MoreIf you find yourself having to get over a crush at work, I hope these five tips help.
Read MoreSometimes, when you’re afraid of something, it helps to identify exactly what it is you’re afraid of, rather than having this vague sense of “fear.”
Read MoreWhen I talk about a happy dance, you don’t have to actually celebrate with a dance if you don’t want to. Just find some way to cherish this momentous occasion.
Read MoreTry to include details like these so your crush will know this letter was written just for them.
Read MoreThere are times when you might actually want to reach out to an INFJ in writing over other forms of communication, like in-person talks, phone calls, or social media.
Read MoreI know enough of INFJ love to make the following five confessions.
Read MoreIf you pay too much attention to these racing thoughts, they might convince you not to confess to someone who is actually worthy of your love and affection.
Read MoreI know what you really want to do is to ask them about the confession and their lack of a response to it. And I think you should do that, but not right away. First, give this person time to process your confession.
Read MoreThe thing about love is, even though it’s best expressed in actions, words are helpful to avoid vagueness.
Read MoreYou two may be able to get to a good place again, but right now distance is what you really need.
Read MoreThough it may seem terrifying to put your heart out there and tell your crush you like them, that’s one of the best ways to encourage them to share their own feelings.
Read MoreIt’s impossible for someone to truthfully respond to a love confession if they don’t know how they feel.
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