5 Keys to Writing a Memorable Confession Letter to Your Crush
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Writing a confession letter to your crush is a delicate art. In this post, I go into some of the details about how to write a letter to your crush, including a letter where you confess your feelings to them. Here, I want to offer you some advice on how to make that confession letter shine.
5 Keys to Writing Your Crush an Unforgettable Confession Letter
Make it personal.
The last thing you want to do is write a generic letter that your crush thinks could have been written for anyone. You want to make them feel special in this letter, so make sure you mention experiences you’ve shared together and qualities you like about them. Be as specific as you can.
You can say things like, “I like your smile” or “I like the way you make me laugh,” if those sentiments are true for you. But you’ll probably captivate your crush’s attention more if you say something like, “Do you remember that time we went for a bike ride by the pond in the park and I accidentally fell in? I really appreciate you lending me your jacket that day to keep me warm. You’ve always been such a caring person. That’s one of the qualities I love most about you.”
Try to include details like these so your crush will know this letter was written just for them.Make it authentic.
If you have a good sense of humor, don’t hold back on it in your letter. Write something you know will make your crush laugh. But if you don’t consider yourself to be one of the funniest people, don’t try to be funny in this letter. Most likely, it will come out a little awkward, and you want to avoid awkwardness as much as you can.
Similarly, if you’re not one of the most poetic people, just keep your writing clear and simple. There’s no need to take a poetry class before writing them this letter. If, however, you are a naturally poetic writer, go ahead and make this letter poetic. But don’t go overboard.
In this letter, you still want to make sure that you get your feelings across as clearly as possible. Be poetic if you can, but save your Shakespearean writing for when you and your crush are actually dating.Get to the point as soon as you can.
You’re writing this letter to tell your crush how you feel. Keep that thought at the forefront of your mind as you write this letter. Yes, you should mention some of the things that endear you to your crush. But don’t spend too long on that. Get to the point of your letter as quickly as possible.
If your letter goes on for too long, it’s possible that your crush will lose interest and stop reading before they even get to your confession. That would not be ideal for you. Also remember that letters take longer for people to digest than, say, text messages. You want to make sure your crush gets through the letter as quickly as they can so they can give you a response in a timely fashion.
Remember, you don’t know when your crush will actually read this letter. So, you want to make sure that, when they do, they don’t have too much to read before they can actually respond.If you can, give them the letter in person.
I believe that the best way for you to get this letter to your crush is to hand it to them in person. You want to make sure they receive this letter, and the best way to do that is to give it to them yourself.
Only if your crush lives too far away for you to give it in person would I suggest mailing it—or if you’re really shy about giving it. Just know that the wait time for a response to a mailed confession letter will probably be longer.
I would also advise you not to ask someone else to give it for you. No matter how good a friend they are, things can happen. It could just be something simple like, they forgot to give it when they said they would, which means you have to wait even longer for your crush to get it and read it. You friend could also lose it—by accident, of course—which would also not be ideal for you.
This letter is more important to you than it will be to anyone else (except maybe your crush, if they reciprocate!). So, guard it like the treasure it is.Ask them to respond.
In your efforts to write your crush the perfect letter, you may forget to add in a simple line saying something like, “Please respond as soon as you can.” But that line is essential because, without it, if your crush doesn’t know what to say in response, they may prefer to just avoid responding.
It’s true that they can fail to respond even if you add that line in. But if this is someone who cares about you, they’ll feel more inclined to respond if you include a line like that. And I’m sure that if you’re taking the time to write your crush a letter, you would like them to respond. So, make every effort you can to ensure that happens.
Final Thoughts
When done right (and with the right person), a confession letter to a crush can be a beautiful start to a beautiful relationship. But it’s good to keep these keys in mind before writing your letter and giving it to your crush. Ultimately, though, if you write in a way that’s authentic to you and speak from your heart, that’s really all it takes.
Now I turn it to you. What advice would you give to someone confessing their feelings to their crush in a letter? Let me know in the comments.
~ Ashley C.
Last updated: March 18, 2024