Posts tagged qualities
How Do You Stop Being in Love With the Idea of Someone?

When you find yourself dwelling on certain things and ignoring everything else, give yourself a reality check and remind yourself to take in the whole person.

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How Do You Know When You're in Love With the Idea of Someone?

If you don’t really know them, all your fantasies will be based on what you imagine would be wonderful to experience.

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17 Journal Prompts for INFJ Unrequited Love

If you’re an INFJ or someone who loves deeply, these prompts will encourage you to ask yourself what this crush means to you and what your feelings for them say about how you feel about yourself.

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5 Keys to Writing a Memorable Confession Letter to Your Crush

Try to include details like these so your crush will know this letter was written just for them.

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How to Stop a Crush from Being Your Only Source of Happiness

You probably don’t need to remind yourself of what you love about your crush. But you might find it helpful to remind yourself what you love about you.

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How Do You Write a Love Letter to Your Crush?

If you’re going to spend your valuable time pouring your heart and soul into a love letter (or email), please make sure you’re writing to someone who you know will take the time to read it.

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How Can INFJs Resist the Urge to Change to Attract a Romantic Partner?

It takes significant mental and emotional energy to keep up a mask. As an INFJ, your mental and emotional energy would be much better spent using the gifts you were blessed with to help the world.

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10 Questions Single People Should Ask Themselves to Help Them Find Their Dream Partner

While you can’t actually create or design your dream partner, you can have a clearer picture in your mind of what you would like them to be like.

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What Makes an INFJ Fall in Love?

Based on my experiences as an INFJ and those of other INFJs, I’ve noticed that the deepest connection happens when it happens in the mind, heart, and soul.

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Common Lies People Tell Themselves When They Have Trouble Finding a Partner: Part 2

If you’re feeling unlovable, the deep root of it is that you’re probably having trouble loving yourself.

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