Posts tagged deal-breakers
17 Journal Prompts for INFJ Unrequited Love

If you’re an INFJ or someone who loves deeply, these prompts will encourage you to ask yourself what this crush means to you and what your feelings for them say about how you feel about yourself.

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5 Behaviors That Might Unknowingly Repel an INFJ

While some of the following behaviors may be fine for someone an INFJ already knows well and trusts, people who are new in an INFJ’s life might want to avoid them.

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10 Questions Single People Should Ask Themselves to Help Them Find Their Dream Partner

While you can’t actually create or design your dream partner, you can have a clearer picture in your mind of what you would like them to be like.

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10 INFJ Deal-Breakers in Relationships

If an INFJ senses that you’re not being authentic—that you’re purposefully putting on a mask or acting phony—this will be a cue to us to walk away.

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