Posts tagged change
17 Journal Prompts for INFJ Unrequited Love

If you’re an INFJ or someone who loves deeply, these prompts will encourage you to ask yourself what this crush means to you and what your feelings for them say about how you feel about yourself.

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Will an INFJ Come Back After Leaving a Relationship?

An INFJ may have left a relationship for reasons that had little or nothing to do with the other person. Sometimes they were just dealing with their own issues.

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What Causes INFJ Relationship Anxiety?

INFJs are known to be perfectionists. And this desire to have everything be perfect extends to their relationships as well.

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What Can You Say Instead of Ghosting a Friend?

If the reason you feel like disappearing is because you’re overwhelmed with a situation you’re dealing with, you will definitely want to tell your friend that instead of just stopping all communication.

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7 Tips for Building a New Relationship With an INFJ Who Left

Allowing your INFJ the space they need to understand how they feel about you will make it easier for them to feel comfortable with you again.

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How Do You Apologize to an INFJ?

It’s hard to apologize adequately for something if you’re not even sure what you’re apologizing for.

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How Can INFJs Resist the Urge to Change to Attract a Romantic Partner?

It takes significant mental and emotional energy to keep up a mask. As an INFJ, your mental and emotional energy would be much better spent using the gifts you were blessed with to help the world.

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Why Do Some INFJs Prefer to Stay Friends Over Starting a Romantic Relationship?

If an INFJ prefers to just chill, relax, or hang out with someone, it’s much easier to do that as friends.

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What Do You Do When You Regret Confessing Your Love for Someone?

One thing you can ask yourself at a time like this is, what would have happened if you hadn’t confessed?

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