Posts tagged attract
Are You an INFJ Who’s Still Single? Try Asking Yourself These 5 Questions

Sometimes you may want a partner for reasons that are real to you, but it’s just not the best time for you to enter a relationship.

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7 Things Guys Should Keep in Mind for Online Dating Profile Pictures

I’ve seen more profiles than I can count where one or more pictures don’t give me a clear view of the guy in question.

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How Can INFJs Resist the Urge to Change to Attract a Romantic Partner?

It takes significant mental and emotional energy to keep up a mask. As an INFJ, your mental and emotional energy would be much better spent using the gifts you were blessed with to help the world.

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10 Questions Single People Should Ask Themselves to Help Them Find Their Dream Partner

While you can’t actually create or design your dream partner, you can have a clearer picture in your mind of what you would like them to be like.

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