Posts tagged help
Are You an INFJ Who’s Still Single? Try Asking Yourself These 5 Questions

Sometimes you may want a partner for reasons that are real to you, but it’s just not the best time for you to enter a relationship.

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What Causes INFJ Relationship Anxiety?

INFJs are known to be perfectionists. And this desire to have everything be perfect extends to their relationships as well.

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What Can You Say Instead of Ghosting a Friend?

If the reason you feel like disappearing is because you’re overwhelmed with a situation you’re dealing with, you will definitely want to tell your friend that instead of just stopping all communication.

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What Should You Do When You Miss the Person Who Ghosted You?

This may be considered “ghosting” by some definitions, but it could just be that they’re dealing with something and aren’t in a position to respond.

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Does Confessing Help You Move On from a Crush?

Though it may seem terrifying to put your heart out there and tell your crush you like them, that’s one of the best ways to encourage them to share their own feelings.

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Are INFJs Hard to Love?

In this post, we’re going to look at four behaviors INFJs should be mindful of if they want to have healthy romantic relationships.

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How Can Unrequited Love Help People Find Their Dream Partner?

In this post, we’re going to go deeper into how all your unrequited crushes can help lead you to the one meant for you.

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10 Texts the INFJ in Your Life Would Love to Get

When you send this text, it’s a nice reminder to your INFJ that you actually care about how they’re doing.

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Common Lies People Tell Themselves When They Have Trouble Finding a Partner: Part 2

If you’re feeling unlovable, the deep root of it is that you’re probably having trouble loving yourself.

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