Posts tagged busy
What Can You Say Instead of Ghosting a Friend?

If the reason you feel like disappearing is because you’re overwhelmed with a situation you’re dealing with, you will definitely want to tell your friend that instead of just stopping all communication.

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What Should You Do When You Miss the Person Who Ghosted You?

This may be considered “ghosting” by some definitions, but it could just be that they’re dealing with something and aren’t in a position to respond.

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Why Is an INFJ Texting Me Less?

If you’ve been texting an INFJ and you haven’t been going deep in your conversations, there’s a good chance that’s why they’re texting you less.

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Why Would Someone Fail to Respond to a Texted Love Confession?

Some people are so popular that they’re constantly texting many people at once. It’s possible your confession just got lost in the shuffle.

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8 Possible Reasons the INFJ in Your Life Stopped Texting You

Even with a busy schedule, we INFJs will take the time to respond to texts from those we care about. But we also have a tendency to get caught up in things, like causes we deeply support.

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