Posts tagged friends
What Should You Say to a Crush Who Moved—And Took Your Heart With Them?

If you never confessed your feelings to this person, make sure you do that now.

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How Can Introverts Develop Deeper Friendships?

If you find that your friendship isn’t going as deep as you would like, it might be up to you to try to go deeper.

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4 Well-Meaning Tips That Haven’t Helped Me Make Friends as an Introvert—And What Has Worked

Many people are fine keeping relationships and conversations on a superficial level. But that’s not something that works for me.

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Why Would Someone Seem to Like You But Reject Your Offer for Romance?

If you like someone who seems to like you but turns down your offer to become more than friends, it’s possible that they do want to become more, but their head is convincing them it’s not a good idea.

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How Do You Get Over the Fear of Confessing Your Love to Someone?

Sometimes, when you’re afraid of something, it helps to identify exactly what it is you’re afraid of, rather than having this vague sense of “fear.”

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What Can You Say Instead of Ghosting a Friend?

If the reason you feel like disappearing is because you’re overwhelmed with a situation you’re dealing with, you will definitely want to tell your friend that instead of just stopping all communication.

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Why INTJs Might Want to Consider Taking a Chance on Love

While it might not be possible for INTJs to become well-versed in the language of feelings overnight, having a long-term partner could help them become more comfortable with their feelings over time.

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How Should an INFJ Respond If Someone Asks Them Out?

If this is someone you like and that you feel is worthy of your time and affection, don’t be afraid to give them a chance.

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How Can Unrequited Love Help People Find Their Dream Partner?

In this post, we’re going to go deeper into how all your unrequited crushes can help lead you to the one meant for you.

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Why Would an INFJ Become Scared of Love?

If an INFJ has experienced a lot of unrequited love or heartbreak after relationships ended, they may have become hardened to the idea of love or cynical about it.

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What Makes an INFJ Fall in Love?

Based on my experiences as an INFJ and those of other INFJs, I’ve noticed that the deepest connection happens when it happens in the mind, heart, and soul.

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Should You Confess Your Feelings to an Online Crush?

Even if you two have a connection and you have real feelings for them, you won’t know if it’s really them you have feelings for or just the online persona they’ve created until you meet in person.

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Why Is It More Painful When Your Crush Leaves Things Open?

If someone doesn’t give you a clear response, you’re in a state of limbo. You may find yourself wondering, “How exactly do they feel about me?”

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Why Do Some INFJs Prefer to Stay Friends Over Starting a Romantic Relationship?

If an INFJ prefers to just chill, relax, or hang out with someone, it’s much easier to do that as friends.

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What Do You Do When Your Crush Is Your Best Friend?

You do everything with your best friend. And this is the one person you can talk to about anything. Books. Movies. Stresses. Joys. And…crushes?

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Why Would an INFJ Reject Someone?

An INFJ won’t usually reject someone because they felt like it one day or because they just changed their mind about them. They’ll usually have a reason for doing this.

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Are You Seeking Love or Deep Human Connection?

Sometimes you don’t want all the responsibilities that come with being in a relationship. Sometimes you just want a friend to talk to.

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