Posts tagged valuable
What Should You Do When Someone Acts Normal After You Confess Your Feelings to Them?

I know what you really want to do is to ask them about the confession and their lack of a response to it. And I think you should do that, but not right away. First, give this person time to process your confession.

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How to Stop a Crush from Being Your Only Source of Happiness

You probably don’t need to remind yourself of what you love about your crush. But you might find it helpful to remind yourself what you love about you.

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How to Make an INFJ Happy During the Holidays

As you enjoy your holiday treats and traditions together, you might want to take a moment to consider how your INFJ would prefer to spend their holidays.

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How Should an INFJ Respond If Someone Asks Them Out?

If this is someone you like and that you feel is worthy of your time and affection, don’t be afraid to give them a chance.

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How Can INFJs Resist the Urge to Change to Attract a Romantic Partner?

It takes significant mental and emotional energy to keep up a mask. As an INFJ, your mental and emotional energy would be much better spent using the gifts you were blessed with to help the world.

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