Posts tagged expectations
Will an INFJ Come Back After Leaving a Relationship?

An INFJ may have left a relationship for reasons that had little or nothing to do with the other person. Sometimes they were just dealing with their own issues.

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7 Tips for Building a New Relationship With an INFJ Who Left

Allowing your INFJ the space they need to understand how they feel about you will make it easier for them to feel comfortable with you again.

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5 Behaviors That Might Unknowingly Repel an INFJ

While some of the following behaviors may be fine for someone an INFJ already knows well and trusts, people who are new in an INFJ’s life might want to avoid them.

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Why Would an INFJ Become Scared of Love?

If an INFJ has experienced a lot of unrequited love or heartbreak after relationships ended, they may have become hardened to the idea of love or cynical about it.

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5 Phrases All INFJs Should Adopt to Practice Effective Self-Care

INFJs who want to enhance their self-care routine could benefit from adding the following five phrases to their everyday lives.

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Why Do Some INFJs Prefer to Stay Friends Over Starting a Romantic Relationship?

If an INFJ prefers to just chill, relax, or hang out with someone, it’s much easier to do that as friends.

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10 INFJ Deal-Breakers in Relationships

If an INFJ senses that you’re not being authentic—that you’re purposefully putting on a mask or acting phony—this will be a cue to us to walk away.

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Why Would an INFJ Reject Someone?

An INFJ won’t usually reject someone because they felt like it one day or because they just changed their mind about them. They’ll usually have a reason for doing this.

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