7 Phrases You Might Want to Include in a Confession Letter to Your Crush
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When you’re finally ready to confess your feelings to your crush—congratulations on finding the courage, by the way!—there are many ways you can choose to do this. But I find that a confession letter is one of the best ways to go—if you’re writing to someone who appreciates the art of the letter, that is.
If you would like some guidance on how to write a love letter to your crush—including one where you confess your feelings—you can check out this post. But here I want to talk about some specific phrases you might want to include in that confession letter.
While you absolutely want to let your own personality shine in the message you write to your crush, these are the kinds of phrases that can help you make sure you’re saying what you actually mean to say. But, of course, you don’t have to use all of them (except maybe the first one), and you can and should add your own spin on them.
7 Phrases to Include in a Crush Confession Letter
“I like you”/“I love you.”
This one might seem obvious, but in your haste to write and give your letter, it could slip your mind to actually tell your crush how you feel. So, don’t forget to add these words or something like them in your letter. And to be honest, if you write your crush a letter that says this and nothing else—except maybe “Dear So-and-So” and “Love, [Your Name]”—you really can’t go wrong.
“Do you remember when we met?”
You can use many different variations of this phrase, but the idea is to talk about when you and your crush met. It’s possible it was memorable for both of you, or maybe only one of you. Or maybe it didn’t seem like it would be memorable initially. But as you got to know your crush, it became one of the most memorable events you can recall.
It’s a good idea to remind your crush about when you met and what that moment meant to you in your letter.“I’ve liked you for [LENGTH OF TIME].”
When you write your crush your confession letter, they will probably want to know how long you’ve liked them. They’ll want to know that you didn’t decide to write this letter on a whim—that you’ve actually had feelings for them for some time and now you just want to let them know.
It’s not that much fun to receive a confession letter from someone who decided they had a crush two days before sending the letter. So, if you were thinking of doing that, you might want to think twice.“I love it when you [INSERT ATTRACTIVE BEHAVIOR].”
In addition to wanting to know how long you’ve liked them for, your crush will probably also want to know what it is you love about them. You can list specific attributes about them, like if you like that they’re funny or smart or caring or generous. But if you can mention a specific act that you admire, that would be even better.
For instance, it carries more weight if you say, “I love it when you make me laugh,” than if you just say, “You’re funny.” You can also mention a specific instance that made you fall in love or even more in love with them.“You make me feel [INSERT GOOD FEELING].”
This phrase is one of the more optional ones on this list, but it can still be nice to tell your crush how they make you feel. And you can even tell them when they make you feel that way.
For example, you can say something like, “You make me feel special when you smile at me” or “You make me feel so understood when you listen to all the crazy things I say.” Or you could change the phrase by saying something like, “I feel so happy when you’re around.”
One way or another, it can be nice to let your crush know, not only that you love them, but other feelings they stir up inside you.“Do you feel the same for me?”
If you’re going to write your crush a letter, unless you genuinely don’t care whether they feel the same way about you, you should probably ask them how they feel. They might not initially know how to respond to your letter, and this question will prompt them to tell you what it is you probably most want to hear—whether they have feelings for you.
Sometimes people don’t know what to say on their own, but they might be able to respond to a clear question.“Please respond as soon as you can.”
Like with #1, in your haste to write and give this letter to your crush, you might forget to ask them to respond, which I mention in this post. And if they don’t actually know what to say in response, this oversight might cause them to delay responding as long as they can—even if you include some version of the phrase in #6. I can’t imagine that outcome looks fun for you.
To minimize the risk of your crush not responding, make sure you remember to ask them to respond—and to do so as soon as they can.
Final Thoughts
Confession letters are beautiful things. They’re a way for people to let out their feelings for another person without having to deal with the pressure of an in-person confession. And while texting can have a similar effect, there’s nothing like writing your crush a letter—or an email—where you just lay it all out there.
And if your crush does reciprocate, they’ll most likely keep that letter for years to come—maybe even forever.
Now I turn it to you. What phrases do you think people should include in a confession letter to their crush? Let me know in the comments.
~ Ashley C.
Last updated: March 18, 2024