If an INFJ has experienced a lot of unrequited love or heartbreak after relationships ended, they may have become hardened to the idea of love or cynical about it.
Read MoreIt takes significant mental and emotional energy to keep up a mask. As an INFJ, your mental and emotional energy would be much better spent using the gifts you were blessed with to help the world.
Read MoreWhile you can’t actually create or design your dream partner, you can have a clearer picture in your mind of what you would like them to be like.
Read MoreThis type of confession is best suited for when you either aren’t sure how strongly you feel for the person you like or you’re very unsure how they feel.
Read MoreBased on my experiences as an INFJ and those of other INFJs, I’ve noticed that the deepest connection happens when it happens in the mind, heart, and soul.
Read MoreA much better use of your time would be to focus on your own journey and what you can do to change your situation or your perspective on it.
Read MoreEssentially, there are two main ingredients for an INFJ’s ideal first date—quiet and deep conversation.
Read MoreSo, when should you confess versus asking your crush out first? I think it comes down to how well you know them.
Read MoreINFJs who want to enhance their self-care routine could benefit from adding the following five phrases to their everyday lives.
Read MoreIf someone doesn’t give you a clear response, you’re in a state of limbo. You may find yourself wondering, “How exactly do they feel about me?”
Read MoreIf an INFJ prefers to just chill, relax, or hang out with someone, it’s much easier to do that as friends.
Read MoreFlirting is one of those behaviors that makes us feel inauthentic because it makes it seem like just being ourselves isn’t enough.
Read MoreIf an INFJ senses that you’re not being authentic—that you’re purposefully putting on a mask or acting phony—this will be a cue to us to walk away.
Read MoreThis phenomenon is very common for people of the INFJ personality type, though it’s not exclusive to us. But why does it happen at all? After giving it some thought, I’ve come up with four reasons.
Read MoreYou do everything with your best friend. And this is the one person you can talk to about anything. Books. Movies. Stresses. Joys. And…crushes?
Read MoreAn INFJ won’t usually reject someone because they felt like it one day or because they just changed their mind about them. They’ll usually have a reason for doing this.
Read MoreOne thing you can ask yourself at a time like this is, what would have happened if you hadn’t confessed?
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