When the time comes for you to confess your love for someone, you have to stop running and confront your feelings.
Read MoreThere may be many reasons you’re single at this time in your life. But one thing I need you to know is, there’s nothing wrong with you.
Read MoreIf you find yourself in the position of having to respond to someone’s love confession, take a moment to ask yourself the following five questions first.
Read MoreIt’s easy to take for granted all the other people in your life because of this one person you’re still waiting for.
Read MoreNow is the time for the sincerest apology you’ve ever made.
Read MoreIf you’ve revealed your feelings for your crush to someone you trust, you can have them ask your crush how they feel about you.
Read MoreAs you spend time with this person, you can’t help but imagine what your life together will look like once they recover.
Read MoreThe people you’re most compatible with may not be who you expect.
Read MoreAfter many years of experience with unrequited love, I’ve learned lessons that have taught me how to be more cautious with my feelings. Here are seven of them.
Read MoreYou can’t just tell them what they want to hear. If you do and what you say isn’t aligned with how you feel, it’ll just cause heartache for both of you.
Read MoreFor anyone who has found their heartfelt love confession met with silence or something close to it, this is my best advice on how to recover.
Read MoreWhat makes the healing process easier is concentrating on activities that engage both your mind and your body.
Read MoreThough there are similarities between unrequited love and what I call no-longer-requited love, there are also key differences. In this post, I talk about some of them.
Read MoreWhen I fell in love with my fifth grade crush, my entire world shifted. If we happen to meet again, I’d like to tell him at least the following eight things.
Read MoreFor even the most unpleasant things in life, when looked at from the right perspective, you can always find the positive. Unrequited love is no exception.
Read MoreMy first official crush started when I was nine years old. I liked boys before him, but until my crush on him began, I had never felt that strong an attachment to another person.
Read MoreDespite disagreement on the exact number of types of unrequited love, I find that there are only three.
Read MoreThere are cases where it might be worthwhile to hold onto this type of love.
Read MoreIf we collectively decide and agree that we like to see certain things in movies—like happy endings—why can’t we collectively decide and agree to work toward those things in life?
Read MoreI’m definitely in the category of women who have struggled in the romance department. And I’ve always wondered why.
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