We need to be able to talk to someone without the fear of judgment. And we need this person to be willing to listen to every word we say.
Read MoreEven with a busy schedule, we INFJs will take the time to respond to texts from those we care about. But we also have a tendency to get caught up in things, like causes we deeply support.
Read MoreWhen you send this text, it’s a nice reminder to your INFJ that you actually care about how they’re doing.
Read MoreI would advise you to keep the following five things in mind when you notice that your crushes feel intimidated by you.
Read MoreWhile I wasn’t ready to tell my crush that I liked him, I did want him to know I was thinking of him romantically.
Read MoreI have some advice on how to stay hopeful and get through the holidays when what you really want can’t be put under the tree.
Read MoreSometimes we have to let go because the other person has clearly moved on and all we’re doing is holding onto a beautiful dream—a dream of what might have been.
Read MoreWhen you love so deeply, things like facts, reality, and logic tend to take a backseat.
Read MoreNow is the time for the sincerest apology you’ve ever made.
Read MoreLooking back, I realize that I might have been able to avoid all this if I had been able to think about something else all day.
Read MoreDon’t panic when your crush doesn’t respond right away.
Read MoreYes, we INFJs usually know when someone likes us. But we’re often in denial about it.
Read MoreFor INFJs who are innately intuitive, dreaming of a former crush can take on even more significance than for other personality types.
Read MoreIf you’re someone who’s been hurt in love but who’s ready to try a new relationship, here are five reasons why an INFJ would be a great partner for you.
Read MoreIf you’re an INFJ who tends to fall in love with people you’ve never met, the following tips may help keep you from losing your mind over them.
Read MoreSince INFJs feel everything so deeply, this type of rejection can be especially hard for them. In this post, I offer advice on how to handle the situation.
Read MoreIf you find yourself confused about your next step, it’s probably because you have some deep internal work to do first.
Read MoreWhen an INFJ is passionate about something, many of their weaknesses become unnoticeable.
Read MoreIf you find yourself fortunate enough to have someone confess their love to you, the following five tips offer some guidance on how to answer.
Read MoreBecause your love is so strong, you have to be careful when dealing with the unrequited variety.
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