A student in her school’s AV club struggles to tell a fellow club member that she likes him.
Read MoreIf INFJs prefer what is deep and genuine, why would we settle for infatuation? My theory is that we feel a lack of love elsewhere.
Read MoreIf you’re an INFJ with a tendency to fall in love easily with people you’ve just met, keep reading to find out how to take back some control of your emotions.
Read MoreIf you’re an INFJ who needs some advice on how to tell a friend how you feel about them, these tips may help.
Read MoreWe INFJs should keep the following five things in mind when determining where to place our heart.
Read MoreA student goes a long way to show her crush how she feels.
Read MoreIf you’re an INFJ whose love for someone is unrequited, you may be tempted to make some desperate moves. Here’s a list of eight unhealthy behaviors you should definitely avoid.
Read MoreIf you’re an INFJ who has struggled to find love, you may have had a lot of experience with the unrequited kind. Though there may be many reasons for this, a big one might be inauthenticity.
Read MoreTired of settling for unconfessed love, you’ve found the courage to tell your crush how you feel. Now what will they say or do in response? And how should you react to these responses? Here’s my take.
Read MoreA high school sophomore writes a Valentine’s Day poem for a boy in her English class.
Read MoreI believe it’s a good idea to tell the person you love that you love them. But experience has taught me that INFJs have to be selective about when to make this kind of confession.
Read MoreBecause INFJs aren’t known for letting go of things easily, letting something like this go can be especially hard for them.
Read MoreA high school student finds a way to help her crush’s band with their sound.
Read MoreA high school student finds a way to help her crush’s band with their sound.
Read MoreThis year, I’ve decided to start a new chapter in the life of Questions and Tisane.
Read MoreINFJs are known to be perfectionists. As an INFJ, I know what it feels like when perfectionism gets the best of you.
Read MoreI have a lot of experience with unrequited love. But as an INFJ, even when my love isn’t reciprocated, I love intensely.
Read MoreIn a world full of unexpressed desires, unconfessed love, and unspoken thoughts, people are still struggling to say what they want to say when they want to say it. INFJs in particular may be susceptible to this.
Read MoreEveryone has things it’s hard for them to let go of. For INFJs in particular, though, letting go can be even more difficult. But why? Why is it so hard?
Read MoreSometimes life forces us into molds. For a while, these molds can feel right and even natural. But at some point, you may come to a place where something doesn’t feel right.
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