Posts tagged financial goals
What Are Some Money Mindset Tips for Budgeting?

If you understand that what you’re doing is laying a foundation for your financial future, that can help you stick to your budget.

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Why Is It So Important to Have a Positive Money Mindset?

If you see money as good, you want to learn more about it. You want to know how you can invite more of this wonderful resource into your life.

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5 Mental Shifts That Happen When You Develop a Positive Money Mindset

With a positive mindset, you care about money so much that you want to learn more about it, how to receive more of it, and how to better manage it.

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What Are Some Lesser Known Money Mistakes to Avoid in Your 20s and 30s?

If you find yourself struggling to learn something on your own, it might be time to consider spending money to end that struggle.

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This One Belief Can Ruin Your Efforts to Improve Your Money Mindset

If you believe that someone else is coming to rescue you, you may not see a need to do anything required to change your situation for yourself.

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5 Money Mindset Tips for Beginners

We may not always be aware of how much we have to unlearn to have a healthy relationship with money, or how deep those unhelpful beliefs go.

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