How to End INFJ One-Sided Love for Good

How to End INFJ One-Sided Love for Good


As an INFJ, I know what it’s like to feel intense emotions when you have a crush on someone. And I know what it’s like to feel those emotions even when your love is one-sided or unrequited. This email series will help you put an end to this type of love once and for all so you can get on the path to finding true love sooner.

As someone who has experienced a lot of unrequited love, I know about the painful waits for responses to messages. I know about the excitement you feel when you get to interact with your crush and the disappointment when you notice they don’t seem to care as much about the relationship as you do.

I know about the fantasies, and the idealization, and the hope—the hope that things will change. The hope that your crush returns your affection. The hope that you can actually enjoy the relationship with them that you’re hoping for.

Believe me, I know.

This email series will take you from one-sided lover to secure lover. It will take you from being someone who settles for crumbs from their crush to someone who won’t settle for anything less than the reciprocal love they’re worthy of.

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The Strategy

The strategy I offer can be broken down into the following ten lessons:

Lesson 1: Learn who you are.

Lesson 2: Your reality is not your crush’s reality.

Lesson 3: Understand what it means to love deeper than most.

Lesson 4: Don’t be afraid of logic.

Lesson 5: Have other interests.

Lesson 6: Be cautious with your confession.

Lesson 7: Limit the fantasizing and ruminating.

Lesson 8: Find an outlet.

Lesson 9: Don’t undervalue yourself.

Lesson 10: Don’t be afraid to walk away.

Why an Email Series?

An email series like this is a convenient way to get access to this information without having to go out of your way, like you would reading through blog posts or taking an online course. The information is delivered directly to your inbox for you to read whenever you’re ready.

How Does It Work?

Once you purchase the series, you’ll receive a thank you email and the first lesson email. Then, over the next 10 days, you’ll receive a lesson email each day, followed by some closing thoughts. (So, you’ll receive 12 emails total over the course of 11 days.) Your payment will be securely processed by PayPal.

If the first two emails don’t arrive in your inbox right away or if you don’t get any of the following emails, please check your other folders, including your Spam folder. And if you still don’t receive the emails, please email

What Information Does the Series Contain?

While you can find some of this advice on the Questions and Tisane website, this guide goes much deeper than what you’ll find there. And much of the information is new, like the “INFJ Crush Confession Checklist” to help you decide whether or not to confess your feelings to your crush.

Also, all the advice in these emails is neatly organized to help you access the information you need when you most need it.

Who Is the Series for?

Although the advice is tailored to people of the INFJ personality type, it’s good for anyone who loves deeper than most or who has struggled with one-sided love.

So, if you’re an INFJ or deep lover who’s ready to be done with this type of love, don’t wait another minute to purchase this guide!

If You Want More

For those who would like a more immersive experience into INFJ crushes, you can check out INFJ Crush Corner, a refuge for INFJs and deep lovers who are dealing with intense crushes.

This guide is included in INFJ Crush Corner as an extended blog post, along with accompanying audio tracks for the lessons, intro, and closing. If you’re interested, you can find out more here.

Disclaimer: I offer no guarantee of any particular outcome as a result of buying this email series. This series is for informational purposes only.

Refund Policy: I do offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you’re not fully satisfied with this series, you can email for a full refund within 30 days of purchasing it. (Day 1 begins the day I receive payment from you.)